Natural Computing Research and Applications Group
University College Dublin
"If an infinite number of monkeys randomly hit keys on a typewriter for an infinite amount of time then they would almost surely write the complete works of Shakespeare"
Although theoretically true, the internet has so far shown otherwise.
If a computer processed a million combinations a second:
2,110,474,918,628,482,452,051,482,408,710,568,333,111,923 years
Estimated age of the universe: 13,750,000,000 years
Generate an initial random population then:
Target phrase: that
Tournament Selection:
The Nature of Code by Daniel Schiffman
Link to codeNP complete problems:
Easy to check an answer but too many possible solutions
Since design problems defy comprehensive description and offer an inexhaustible number of solutions the design process cannot have a finite and identifiable end. The designer’s job is never really done and it is probably always possible to do better.
B. Lawson.