make a new directory: mkdir testfolder change directory: cd testfolder Create an empty file: touch test.txt command line editors: nano, vi, emacs count number of words in a file: wc filename get manual on a command: man wc go to home folder: cd ~ show current folder: pwd go to previous folder: cd - TAB is autocomplete go to the start of a line: ctrl+a go to the end of a line: ctrl+e the up arrow shows your previous command. go up one folder: cd .. delete directory (it must be empty): rmdir testfolder delete contents of a folder: rm testfolder/*.* move a file: mv filename testfolder move and rename: mv filename testfolder/newfilename copy a file: cp folder1/filename folder2/ copy a contents of folder cp -r folder1/* folder2/ copy a whole folder: cp -r folder1 folder2/ recursively delete folder AND contents: rm -rf testfolder show all files: ls -a show details, human readable: ls -lh get fifth column from results using awk: ls -lh | awk '{print $5}' show in order of creation: ls -ltr show command history: history remove the line numbers: history | cut -c 8- Creating an alias: edit the .bashrc file in your home folder add the command with no spaces around the equals sign: alias cmd="nano ~/commands.txt" alias rm='rm -v -i' alias open='gvfs-open' Search a directory for a file: find . -name *.py weird thing about find, you must use "" if there is something with that name in the folder. find a word in a file: grep 'def' *.* the filesystem structure / The slash / character alone denotes the root of the filesystem tree. /bin Stands for binaries and contains certain fundamental utilities, such as ls or cp /boot Contains all the files needed for successful booting process. /dev Stands for devices. Contains file representations of peripheral devices and pseudo-devices. /etc Contains system-wide configuration files and system databases /home Contains user home directories on Linux and some other systems. In the original version of Unix, home directories were in /usr instead.[15] Some systems use or have used different locations still: OS X has home directories in /Users, older versions of BSD put them in /u, FreeBSD has /usr/home. /lib Originally essential libraries: C libraries, but not Fortran ones. On modern systems, it contains the shared libraries needed by programs in /bin, and possibly loadable kernel module or device drivers. Linux distributions may have variants /lib32 and /lib64 for multi-architecture support. /media Default mount point for removable devices, such as USB sticks, media players, etc. /mnt Stands for mount. Empty directory commonly used by system administrators as a temporary mount point. /opt Contains locally installed software. /proc procfs virtual filesystem showing information about processes as files. /root The home directory for the superuser root - that is, the system administrator. This account's home directory is usually on the initial filesystem, and hence not in /home (which may be a mount point for another filesystem) in case specific maintenance needs to be performed, during which other filesystems are not available. Such a case could occur, for example, if a hard disk drive suffers physical failures and cannot be properly mounted. /sbin Stands for "system (or superuser) binaries" and contains fundamental utilities, such as init, usually needed to start, maintain and recover the system. /srv Server data (data for services provided by system). /sys In some Linux distributions, contains a sysfs virtual filesystem, containing information related to hardware and the operating system. /tmp A place for temporary files not expected to survive a reboot. Many systems clear this directory upon startup or use tmpfs to implement it. /usr The "user file system": originally the directory holding user home directories,[15] but already by the Third Edition of Research Unix, ca. 1973, reused to split the operating system's programs over two disks (one of them a 256K fixed-head drive) so that basic commands would either appear in /bin or /usr/bin.[17] It now holds executables, libraries, and shared resources that are not system critical, like the X Window System, KDE, Perl, etc. In older Unix systems, user home directories might still appear in /usr alongside directories containing programs, although by 1984 this depended on local customs.[13] /include Stores the development headers used throughout the system. Header files are mostly used by the #include directive in C language, which historically is how the name of this directory was chosen. /lib Stores the needed libraries and data files for programs stored within /usr or elsewhere. /libexec Holds programs meant to be executed by other programs rather than by users directly. E.g., the Sendmail executable may be found in this directory.[18] Not present in the FHS until 2011;[19] Linux distributions have traditionally moved the contents of this directory into /usr/lib, where they also resided in 4.3BSD. /local Resembles /usr in structure, but its subdirectories are used for additions not part of the operating system distribution, such as custom programs or files from a BSD Ports collection. Usually has subdirectories such as /usr/local/lib or /usr/local/bin. /share Architecture-independent program data. On Linux and modern BSD derivatives, this directory has subdirectories such as man for manpages, that used to appear directly under /usr in older versions. /var Stands for variable. A place for files that may change often - especially in size, for example e-mail sent to users on the system, or process-ID lock files. /log Contains system log files. /mail The place where all incoming mails are stored. Users (other than root) can access their own mail only. Often, this directory is a symbolic link to /var/spool/mail. /spool Spool directory. Contains print jobs, mail spools and other queued tasks. /tmp The /var/tmp directory is a place for temporary files which should be preserved between system reboots. cat /proc/meminfo cat /proc/cpuinfo cat /proc/version devices: cat /dev/input/mouseX cat /dev/input/byid/keyboard run previous command as sudo: sudo !! The standard streams (stdout, stderr, stdin): stdin(0): keyboard stdout(1): normal output to screen stderr(2): error output to screen output something to a file: ls > out.txt (this is the same as 1>) append to a file: ls >> out.txt redirect errors to a file: ls 2> err.txt search the whole filesystem and redirect errors to nowhere find / -name "*.py" 2> /dev/null redirect stderr to stdout: ls > out.txt 2>&1 2>&1 redirects the standard error to the standard output so they appear i together and can be jointly redirected to a file. (Writing just 2>1 would write it out to a file called 1 pipes: | take the output of one command and pipe it to the input of another translate byte values into ascii cat keyboard.txt | tr -cd 'a-f0-9' use tee to redirect to a file AND stdout: ls | tee all.txt get a random number from /dev: cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd 'a-f0-9' | head -c 32 writing a script: #!/bin/bash var="5" echo "hello, $1, the value of variable is $var" if [ $var -gt 8 ]; then echo "var is greater than 8" fi another sample script: #!/bin/bash echo "converting $1 to $2" for file in *.$1; do filename=`echo $file | sed s/$1/$2/` echo "converting $file to $filename" #convert $file $filename done chmod +x ./ The & makes the command run in the background. make command run in the background after executing: ctrl+z bg creating a symlink ln -s ~/filename debugging stuff: logs are located in /var/log/ show all driver messages: dmesg use less when opening a big file ( it prints to the screen as it reads): less filename use tail to read the end of a logfile (-n 100 reads the last 100 lines): tail -n 100 filename read a file and keep reading it (follow): tail -n 100 -f filename ssh, rsync and scp: if you set up ssh server on your machine then install fail2ban ssh debugging it: ssh -v tcptraceroute 22 scp filename if it fails to copy then you can resume it, the -u only copies new files: rsync -u --partial --progress --rsh=ssh user@host:remote_file local_file screen, a must for dodgy ssh connections: screen - start a new screen session Ctrl a c - Creates a new screen session so that you can use more than one screen session at once. Ctrl a n - Switches to the next screen session (if you use more than one). Ctrl a p - Switches to the previous screen session (if you use more than one). Ctrl a d - Detaches a screen session (without killing the processes in it - they continue). list all screens: screen -ls reattach to a screen: screen -d Edit your crontab file: crontab -e minute hour day-of-month month day-of-week command every minute: * * * * * every day at 7pm: 0 19 * * * run something at reboot: @reboot root /var/kiosk/ the cron jobs are logged to /var/log/syslog: grep CRON /var/log/syslog ----------------------------cool commands---------------------------- show all the environment variables. printenv | sort -h show all processes: top show it with nice colors: htop list all processes: ps -ef kill maximum killage: kill -9 kill all processes of this type: killall get exif data from images: exiftool imagename or exiv2 imagename combine mp3s together: cat song1.mp3 song2.mp3 > song3.mp3 AWK and SED! ls -l | awk '{n+=$5}END{print n}' <-add up all the file sizes cat *.dat | awk '{print$2}' <-concatenate files and read the second column svn status | awk '{print $2}' | xargs svn add sed s/day/night/ < moo.txt > new.txt <- replace day with night, write to file sed -e 's/day/night/g' moo.txt > blah.txt <- s(ubsitiute) g(lobal) e(add script) sed -i 's/foo/bar/' * <- i(use same file) sed -i 's/foo/bar/g' <- global, all matches in a line replaced show differences between two files: diff file1 file2 or meld file1 file2 create a video from images: ls *.jpg > frames.txt mencoder mf://@frames.txt -mf w=1920:h=1080:fps=20:type=jpg -ovc x264 -x264encopts subq=6:partitions=all:8x8dct:me=umh:frameref=5:bframes=3:b_pyramid=normal:weight_b -o a.avi convert 4k video to 1080p: mencoder -ovc x264 -x264encopts subq=6:partitions=all:8x8dct:me=umh:frameref=5:bframes=3:b_pyramid=normal:weight_b -vf scale=1920:1080 -oac copy -o reduced tar and untar: tar -cvpf file.tar archive folder c-reate v-erbose p-reservepermission f-ile tar -xzvf file.tar.gz x-tract z-ip v-erbose f-ile take out the z for .tar make a gif: convert *.jpg pictures.gif ping a website: ping get network details: ifconfig (ipconfig in windows) download a website: wget pull all links out of a webpage: grep -Po '(?<=href=")[^"]*' index.html wget -q -O- | grep -o -i 'Trump' | wc -w get word count from pdf pdftotext filename.pdf - | tr -d '.' | wc -w restart from the commandline: sudo shutdown -r now backing up a database: /usr/bin/mysqldump --opt -u -p > /tmp/backup.sql echo "This is the body."| mailx -s "mailx Test1" :w !sudo tee % <- save a write protected file in VIM show disk usage for a folder and subfolders, sorted by size: du -h --max-depth=1 | sort -h find all executable files: find . -type f -executable -print Add a prefix to all files in a folder: rename 's/^/wide/' * see where package contents are installed to: dpkg -L remove all trailing white space sed -i 's/[ \t]*$//' "$1" trim the first 50 lines off a file: sed -i '1,50d' filename truncate last 50 lines: head -n -50 myfile.txt grep and replace using sed: grep -l add_gene *.py | xargs sed -i 's/add_gene/add_extra/g' Automatically pep8 all your code: find . -iname "*.py" | xargs -I filename autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --aggressive filename also use yapf -i change ownership of a folder, its contents and all subfolders: user group sudo chown -R byrnj:byrnj public_html/ encrypt a file gpg -c moo.txt gpg moo.gpg check which process is hogging the ram: ps -e -o pid,vsz,comm= | sort -n -k 2 sort by second column: sort -k 2 Profile a piece of python code: python -m cProfile -o profile.pyprof -s 'time' pyprof2calltree -i profile.pyprof -k No password ssh (from a to b): if you have not generated a key then (ONLY IF NO KEY): Be careful of DSA vs RSA ssh-keygen -t rsa <- generate key for autologin on machine a otherwise just do this ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ name@server <- copy file across from machine a cat .ssh/ | ssh b@B 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys' <- alternative way if it doesnt work immediately then type: ssh-add on machine a to register the keys