A Brief Introduction to 3D Printing
Jonathan Byrne
Natural Computing Research and Applications Group
University College Dublin
How do you print three dimensional objects?
Print a two dimensional object
Repeat step 1
Stereolithography file (STL)
How do you actually print it?
Stereolithography (photo polymer)
Selective Laser Sintering (powder bed and lasers)
Plaster-based 3D printing (powder bed and inkjet)
Laminated object manufacturing (paper, foil, plastic film )
Fused Deposition Modelling (extrusion)
Fused Deposition Modelling
The Axes
FDM Printer Components
4 Motors
3 endstops (switches)
Extruder Head
The Ultimaker
X-Y Axis and Extruder
What you will need:
Hex Keys / Allen Keys (1.5mm, 2.0mm)
Adjustable Wrench
Cordless Screw Driver
WD 40
Masking Tape
Sand Paper / File
Be patient and RTFM
Read the comments in the instructions
Look at the built model
When in doubt, talk to the other team
Keep the components separate
Take extra care with the linear bearings
If the regular bearings dont fit, freeze them
Linear Bearing
Regular Bearing
Build Instructions
Frame: 60-90 minutes
X-Y Axes: 50-80 minutes (hard!)
Z Stage: 60-90 minutes
Extrusion Head: 60-90 minutes (fiddly)
Material Feed Mechanism: 30-40 minutes
Electonics: 30-60 minutes
Some final notes
The ultimaker uses ABS (LEGO plastic) or PLA, use PLA
Downloadable examples at thingiverse (www.thingiverse.com)
Every model can be converted to STL
It may be an STL but it may not be printable
Thin Walls
Twisted Planes
Build instructions: wiki.ultimaker.com/Mechanics_build_guide
Presentation: www.jonathan-byrne.com/3dprintingintro