Natural Computing Research and Applications Group
University College Dublin
"If an infinite number of monkeys randomly hit keys on a typewriter for an infinite amount of time then they would almost surely write the complete works of Shakespeare"
Although theoretically true, the internet has so far shown otherwise.
If a computer processed a million combinations a second:
2,110,474,918,628,482,452,051,482,408,710,568,333,111,923 years
Estimated age of the universe: 13,750,000,000 years
Generate an initial random population then:
Target phrase: that
Tournament Selection:
The Nature of Code by Daniel Schiffman
Link to codeNP complete problems:
Easy to check an answer but too many possible solutions
Since design problems defy comprehensive description and offer an inexhaustible number of solutions the design process cannot have a finite and identifiable end. The designer’s job is never really done and it is probably always possible to do better.
B. Lawson.
An Evolved Circuit, Intrinsic in Silicon, Entwined with Physics
Adrian Thompson, 1997, Evolvable Systems: From Biology to hardware
Used a field-programmable gate array (100 Nodes)
Recognise two distinct inputs
No clock pulse
Evolving 3D morphology and behavior by competition
Karl Sims, Artificial Life,Volume 1, 1994
Virtual Creatures must survive in a modelled environment
Optimising Offensive Moves in Toribash Using a Genetic Algorithm